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Northwest is committed to ensuring efficient management and security of all campus technology resources to ensure the University's strategic goals for student success.  All individuals using Northwest-provided technology resources and accounts are required to support and abide by campus technology policies.

You,西北科技 & 版权和盗版

Disclaimer: Although the 刑事 statutes and legal consequences (e.g. 罚款、监禁等.) found using Northwest Technology 政策 have been produced and processed from 政府ernment and pertinent legal/educational sources believed to be re承担责任, no warranty expressed or implied is made by Northwest regarding completeness or precision of content.

Northwest provides many programs and information for faculty, 教职员及学生使用情况, which have been obtained and purchased under exclusive contracts or special licenses.  The contracts and licensing agreements state that they may 被复制、交叉组装或反向编译.  因此, the user is responsible for determining whether or 不 various programs and information are under contract and license and are therefore, 限制.  


确定版权是 important before trying to copy, cross-assemble or reserve-compile data in its entirety or in part.

If it is unclear whether or 不 you have permission to copy, distribute or record in a different medium the material in question, 假设你知道 有这样做的许可吗. The 资讯科技署 (IT) will assist with any questions regarding software usage and licensing issues if needed.


了解版权@ 版权.政府

Disclaimer: Although the local, state and federal 刑事 statutes and legal consequences (e.g. 罚款、监禁等.) found within Northwest's technology policies sections have been produced and processed from legitimate 政府ernment and pertinent legal/educational sources believed to be re承担责任, no warranty expressed or implied is made by Northwest regarding completeness or precision of the content.

回到西北科技公司 & 安全 政策 > Main Page

You,西北科技 & 侵犯版权

而西北航空公司 actively search for instances of copyright infringement, we do respond to complaints of inappropriate use or illegal activity taking place on the network by taking the appropriate legal and disciplinary action. Northwest regularly receives complaints from copyright holders about the unauthorized use of their works from movies to music on the Northwest network.  版权 complaints come directly from music and motion picture associations, 版权所有者和律师事务所, which have employees whose sole job is to search for people committing copyright infringement.

You should be aware that many federal lawsuits have been filed by the 美国唱片工业协会 针对个别大学生的调查.

  • The RIAA alleged that these college students stored songs and made them available to anyone with access to their university’s high-speed networks.
  • 美国唱片工业协会要求最高赔偿金额为 $150,000 每首来自这些大学生的歌.


You,西北科技 & DMCA

数字千年版权法案(DMCA) now extends federal copyright law to protect artistic works such as music from electronic unauthorized reproduction or distribution. 

为了避免违反数字版权法, you should remove all copyright material that you do 不 own from your computer and cease transferring all copyright material.

You could be in violation of DMCA by doing the following:

  • Making an MP3 copy of a song and making it available on the internet (via file-sharing network) to others. 
  • Transferring copyrighted material using an instant messaging service.
  • Making copies of music you have downloaded and selling or sharing with others.
  • Receiving email with copyrighted material and passing to others.
  • Joining a file-sharing network and downloading unauthorized copies of any copyrighted material from the computers of other network members. Past programs that have been used were Kazaa, Imesh, Frostwire, Limewire, BitTorrent and Morpheus.

有关DMCA如何适用于您的更多信息,请访问: EDUCAUSE DMCA

You,西北科技 & 法律

鉴于RIAA诉讼和电影盗版法庭案件, 和记棋牌娱乐想要学生, staff and faculty to be aware of the importance of adhering to copyright law to avoid civil and 刑事 charges and 处罚, 以及, 西北纪律处分.

Viewing and copying movies (especially those that are still playing in theaters) that you do 付费使用科迪和其他软件 是非法的.

科迪, 这本身是合法的吗, has become synonymous with piracy and has prompted investigations from many official entities.

In many cases, the punishment for acts of movie piracy are between 2 to 10 监禁年数, with developers and sellers occupying the higher end of sentencing and end users occupying the lower end. 在某些情况下, the lowend user is being made an example of and being sentenced with hefty fines and significant jail time.

一个人发现 承担责任 民事版权侵权可以是:

  • Ordered to pay actual damages or what is called “statutory damages” of 不 less than $750 不超过 $30,000 每件侵权作品.
  • If ruled that “willful copyright infringement” occurred the court may award up to $150,000 每件侵权作品, 以及, assess court costs and attorney fees.  任性的版权 侵权须遵守 刑事 处罚.
  • Criminal copyright 侵权须遵守 fines of up to $250,000 每件侵权作品和监禁不超过 10 .

看到 标题17, 版权 Law of the United States, US Legal Code, and 标题18《和记娱乐ios》,《和记娱乐ios》.  对于标题18,2319的一个很好的总结,见 康奈尔大学法学院非官方的第18条汇编.  也看到 EDUCAUSE在线内容的合法来源.

了解 版权的基本知识 @ 版权.政府


